dei fiumi resta il nome

dei fiumi resta il nome


Translator: Fiorenzo Iuliano
Publication date: October 2016
Press: a dest dell’ equatore
Format: Paperback
Language: Italian
ISBN: 9788895797250



This a translation of The Remains of River Names by Fiorenzo Iuliano.

Defined by the author as a “novel in tales”, The Remains of River Names, is at the same time the choral story of an average American family living in its gradual dissolution, and a heterogeneous collection of different voices, perspectives, and scenarios, each characterizing each of the stories. To hold together the protagonists of these stories is the rural and urban scenery of the state of Washington and the city of Seattle during the 1980s.

The novel is divided into 12 stories linked to each other, each narrating in turn by members of a typical American family and engaging in a long process of self-destruction. Set in 20 years of history – because time here becomes the place of narration – from the late seventies to the thresholds of the 21st Century. Rivers remain the name tells us of the dissolution of ties: from the disintegration of the family to the one of each member. Exhilarated by a strong and elastic irony, the novel is a faithful and ruthless witness to what was a whole generation alternative to the mainstream.


Rivers remain the name is part of the multiform art scene emerged from the Northwest and includes music such as Nirvana and Pearl Jam, writing like Denis Johnson’s and Gus Van Sant’s film. A movement that records the tough reality and the tenacious romance of a country permeated with lights and shadows.

Review and Links

Part of Briggs’ novel, the experimental and independent film productions of Gus Van Sant; Literally, it is easy to refer to Raymond Carver, also originally from the Washington State, but perhaps the comparison with Richard Ford is better understood than he could describe, better than any other contemporary, the inhospitable and depressed American province where the Economical boom is just a distant memory and returning to a more bucolic and less metropolitan dimension seems to be the only salvation or the only option possible. —

Obsessed, obsessed with his inability to be up to a role that has now lost meaning, the men told by Briggs are figures unable to understand the world around them, as I am looking for it, almost always unnecessarily, the reflection of an authority now lost. — Andrea Bianchetti at

It draws extensively on his life experiences, Briggs, who experienced his own childhood in a counterculture family — rooted, a perennial secure pilgrimage toward an unclear goal — in a small, powerful American fresco. — SatisFiction, 6/17/2017

Written by mattbriggs

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